Nuuk & Tako
Tako looks like a little polar bear cub. He is much tinier than I am.
Nuuk on the other hand is almost the same size as me.

Here we are saying hello. It is great to finally not be the smallest Eskie around.
This is Luna.

And her twin brother Loki.

Kona and Abby relaxing in the sunroom.
Zero is the youngest among us but I think he is the largest.
Hana was posing for pix at one of the rocks.
I had a great time running around with all the Eskies.

Zero, me, Kona, Hana on the trail.

Kona and Zero happily checking out the backyard.

The next day Nuuk, Tako and I spent the day in SF looking at the sights. We went to loads of places and people kept wanting to take our pictures and pet us. It was loads of fun but really tiring. Mommie had to take me in the stroller when she saw me looking tired.
I met a swan at the Palace of Fine Arts.
The three of us squeezed into the car and went around the city. It was fun riding around with N&T.
Here we are at the crooked street.
Mommie did not get to take any more pix coz I was tired so she had to push me in my stroller. N&T had lots of energy. They were able to walk all day long. It was such fun to be out but two days in a row was a bit too much for me. The next few days were not fun at all. I had a some bleeding in my nose and gums, I lost my appetite, had the runs, threw up and just felt icky. Sigh! If I was healthy I could be out and about everyday. At least I am starting to recover now. I am eating again so Mommie is relieved.