
Isn't Stella cute? She loves to play. She will even put the ball in her Daddy's hand so he can throw it. It is good we got some pictures of her coz usually when she sees the camera, she hides behind a chair in the corner of the room.

Uncle and Auntie took us out to an outdoor shopping area. Frank and Stella had to stay home coz they usually bark and do not do so well outside the house. Poor Stella cannot even ride the car coz she gets so scared, she gets sick. Anyway, I got to meet some Abercrombie models. They stay in front of the store and take pictures with people. After the guy put me down, his chest was full of Eskie fur. Hahaha! They wanted to keep me with them but of course I did not want to stay. I got lots of pats at the mall so it was lots of fun even though it was super hot.

But the best part was they took me to a doggie bakery and got me 6 doggie goodies to take home with me. I was in doggie heaven. Yummmmmm!!! Thanks so much. I loved the cakes and cookies.

After that, we went to eat at a Thai restaurant. They had nice benches to sit on and more important, an umbrella so I could be under the shade.

The next day, it was off to another furcousin, Migo!

He showed me how to use his doggie door to get to the backyard. At first they thought I would not fit. But since I am all fur, it was not problem for me to fit. Once outside though, I could not find the door to get back in. I did not see that it was behind the barbeque grill.

Migo and I had lots of fun running around and playing tug-of-war with his piggie toy.

And I shared some of my doggie cakes with him.

The next day, we were off to San Diego. We stopped by La Jolla to see the ocean and there were lots of seals there sunbathing and swimming.

We saw this squirrel hiding.

And lots of birds.

Then we had lunch at a mexican place. They had really good fish tacos. Wish I could taste them. But I do love it when they go for mexican coz they always give me a chip. Even if I am not with them, they will bring home a chip for me. Yummm!

The next stop was Balboa Park. It is so pretty here.

And they have huge fish!

I even spotted a turtle.

They had a botanical garden where I saw this pineapple flower plant.

It was super hot so Mommie let me walk in this long walkway with very shallow water. The water felt so nice on my paws. Lots of kids also got in to wet their feet.

Next stop was Coronado Island where we went to the Coronado Hotel.

Then we had dinner at a nice seafood place near the docks.

The next day, we drove home. On the way, Mommie wanted to go get some snacks at a fastfood place but I just did not want to leave the car. I usually want to go everywhere but I was just too exhausted. I refused to budge and just showed them I wanted to sleep. So Grandma stayed with me in the car while Mommie and Daddy got food and they all ate in the car. I never knew I would ever want to stay in the car instead of exploring but I was just so tired. Mommie said it was probably coz I have been out 3 days in a row plus I spent all morning running around with Migo. Ah but it was worth it. Who knows when I will get a chance to play with my furcousins again.